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How to Avoid Having Itchy Armpits

Monday, February 28, 2011

How to Avoid Having Itchy Armpits:

Having an itchy armpits is a very unpleasant, uncomfortable and embarrassing feeling. There are some days when a person experiences this, that even if rubbed and scratched persistently the annoying feeling still won’t go away. The fact that the itchiness is in the armpits all the more makes it uncomfortable, as that part of the body is not readily accessible; unlike the itching on the hands, face or legs. And of course, it would be very embarrassing to scratch the armpits when in a public place. The itchiness is even exacerbated when armpit is sweating, moist and warm. Such feeling is enough to make the rest of the day go bad.

Having Itchy Armpits – What does it mean?

Almost all people have had experienced persistent itchy armpits at some point or another. Just like itching in other parts of the skin, the sensation prompts a person to rub and scratch the itchy part (called a reflex) so as to soothe the sensation away. This is very similar to the sensory experience of pain, wherein it causes a person to withdraw from the source of pain, which is a message from the nervous system that that object is harmful for the body. The itchiness in the armpits also means there may be something bad that the skin has contacted. Following are some of the common and most possible causes of the itchy sensation in the embarrassing part of the body.

What to do with Itchy Armpits?

Obviously, having itchy armpits could be avoided by observing proper hygiene and personal cleanliness. Built-up sweat, grime and dirt will cause body odor and itchiness in most parts of the body; and it is therefore imperative to take a bath on a regular (preferably daily) basis and to wear clean and washed clothes. Running water and soap will remove the unpleasant build-up of sweat, dirt and grime; and almost all kinds of itchiness could be prevented simply by observing proper hygiene.
Cleanliness all the more becomes important, as the armpit is a particular area where most sweating occurs. This is because the armpit is always kept warm and moist by hair and clothing, and thus prone to the occurrence of the itchy feeling. Participating in physical activities such as sports heavy induce perspiration, and wearing tight-feeling clothes or unwashed shirts during such activities could cause itchy armpits. Especially for people who sweat excessively, it would be very advisable to wear loose and clean clothes and applying deodorants when playing sports.

Other causes of Itchy Armpits:

Aside from lack of proper hygiene and excessive sweating, allergies and rashes are also among the most common causes of itchy armpits. The armpits are one of the most underexposed parts of the body, and this makes them extra-sensitive to irritants such as wrong deodorants & detergents, and other allergies and rashes. As for chemical irritants, the best advise would be for a person to use the deodorants and detergents correct for his/her skin type. As for other allergies and rashes, it would be best to apply topical treatments and to refrain from rubbing the armpit, as this would harshen the condition.


Hallebose said...

Sometimes overdoing the hygiene causes problems too. People can sometimes be too rough with their skin, causing damage.

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